Dominic Hislop and Miklos Erhardt met and worked with around 30 migrants (from
Bangladesh, Bosnia, China, Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kurdistan,
Moldova, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania, Senegal, Sierre Leone, Somalia,
Tunisia, Yugoslavia) who had recently arrived in Turin.
Through a series of dialogues, we asked each participant to sketch
a 'mental map', illustrating how they perceive and experience the
city, then gave each a camera to illustrate their maps with photographs.
to all the participants for their trust and generosity:
(Kenya), Cosmin (Romania), Dalena (Romania), Emmanuel (Democratic
Republic of Congo), Evelyn (Nigeria), Gringo (Roma/Bosnia), Ismael
(Somalia), James (Nigeria), Jefferson (Democratic Republic of
Congo), Larry (Sierra Leone), Li (China), Lidia (Moldova), Luke
(Nigeria), Mariana (Ecuador), Mergjan (Roma/Bosnia), Mirella (Romania),
Mahmoud (Morocco), Mohammed (Bangladesh), Mohamed (Morocco), Mustapha
(Morocco), Nali (Kurdistan), Oleg (Moldova/Russia), Papa Lo (Senegal),
Prince Will (Sierra Leone), Rachid (Morocco), Robdu (Ethiopia),
Robert (Romania), Stefano (Roma/Yugoslavia), Stephen (Nigeria),
Valter (Roma/Italy), Yasine (Tunisia)
Thanks to the following organisations for their help:
Ass. Diafa Al Maghreb, Ass. La Tenda, a.titolo,
Boa Urban Mobile, Casa del Mondo Unito, Centro Franz Fanon, Chinese
Culture Club, CICSENE, Cooperativa Senza Frontiere, CTP - Via
Bologna, From the Nile Culture Club, Centro Sociale Bligny 18,
The Gate, ISI, Kirkuk kaffe, Parrocchia San Luca, Petra, Ufficio
dei Nomadi, Ufficio Stranieri, Scuola Parini, Sermig.
Thanks also to:
Omi, Teresa, Judit, Maria and everyone who